Tree Island, 2012, Jo-Ann Sanborn
Acrylic on gessoboard, 7"x5"
If you look at the tree islands of the Everglades from the air, you will see that most of them have an elongated, or lozenge shape. It's believed that this is caused by the gentle flow of the water from of the wet season gently flowing around them on it's relentless journey to the gulf.
In researching for my book I discovered information that the soil underneath the tree islands may contain signs of ancient human interaction with the Everglades prairies. Soil samples indicate that fire, pottery and bones may have added nutrients to the soil.
It hasn't been determined yet if the islands were able to flourish because of a rise or depression of the soil, or because these elements changed the nutrient levels enough to allow tree growth.
But the fact that ancient people might have camped on the Everglades prairies and changed its character is a story waiting to be told.
Your paintings are outstanding! I've tried acrylics and am hopeless at it. I truly admire anyone who can paint like you do in this medium. Truly beautiful!
Interesting post. Great painting!
Thanks so much,Scott I really love the medium and will try to do a post on some tips soon.
I find the Everglades full of interesting stuff, Kimberly. It's truly a unique environment. Glad you enjoyed it!
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