Florida painter, Everglades, Marco Island, artist Jo-Ann Sanborn


NAWA, Still Morning Everglades painting by JoAnn Sanborn

Still Morning
36x24, acrylic on Canvas

Today's Everglades painting is about the gentle morning light layered with soft colors as the rising sun lightens the sky. It's different every morning, and you have to be up early to see it. By the time the sky's fully light the effect is gone.

Tomorrow I'll be attend the National Association of Women Artists, Florida Chapter luncheon. It's the annual meeting for the group and I've been a juried member for about 5 years. I love being a regional artist, but wanted the opportunity to show my work outside Southwest Florida.

Secretly I crave validation because I don't have a MFA, but that's another conversation! So is the fact that women still need a separate organization to insure promotion of their work!

NAWA is headquartered in New York City, and organizes member exhibition mostly in the North East. I have to ship my paintings, which can be expensive. Still, I've won a couple of prizes, and last year a friend overheard some women talking favorably about my work while it hung at a NAWA show in the Salmugundi club in New York where it had won a recognition award. That went a long way toward making it worth the price!

I don't often get to activities in the New York area, but do attend the Florida Chapter events when possible. Florida is the only state chapter, with an active group of fine women artists. I'm looking forward to meeting some of the artists I know only through their paintings.


red road studio said...

so calming and restful! don't worry too much about validation, after all, jack vetrianno's a millionnaire through his art and is not revered by his peers! it's what's right for you! great blog!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

You don't need an MFA to BE an artist.
You're work is solid and from the soul.
With all due respect to those who work for their degrees, an artist's work speaks for itself and a degree, does not an artist, make.

Jo-Ann Sanborn said...

Didn't mean to fish for compliments--but thank you both for your kind words, which are always much appreciated!

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