Florida painter, Everglades, Marco Island, artist Jo-Ann Sanborn


Full Moon Names, Anticipating Spring daily painting by Everglades Artist JoAnn Sanborn

Anticipating Spring
5x7, acrylic on board

Did you see the glorious sunset last night, and later the lovely full moon? If not, you missed some spectacular gifts from the natural world. Taking a moment to enjoy such gifts will instantly pick up my spirits and bring me inner peace.

There are many names for the February moon. The Celts call it the Moon of Ice, something I can really identify with this year, the pagans call it the Snow Moon, and it was Moon of Storms in medieval times. Native American Choctaw called it the Little Famine Moon, before the Big Famine Moon of March.

I prefer the optomistic Chinese name of Budding Moon. In New England it was the time when the woods got fat, and I couldn't see as far as buds swelled. Here in Florida its usually the time when my orchids send up new shoots. I heard a Cardinal yesterday. I'm anticipating Spring.

The Old Farmer's Almanac has decided that the old moon names don't fit us anymore since we're not as tuned to the turns of the natural world. They're having a contest to rename the full moons for more modern times. Full Sweetheart Moon doesn't do much for me at all but you can vote here for March's Moon if you'd like.


sharon said...

Gorgeous work!!! I was in the Everglades not long ago. The colors in this piece are so true to life.

Jo-Ann Sanborn said...

Thanks, Sharon. I love painting scenes like this.

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