Florida painter, Everglades, Marco Island, artist Jo-Ann Sanborn


End of the Day, daily painting by Everglades artist Jo-Ann Sanborn

End of the Day, Jo-Ann Sanborn
acrylic on board, 5"x7"

When you visit the Artist Colony at the Esplanade on Marco, you’ll see the work of 11 different artists. For the most part each artist has a separate area where their work is distinct and separate from the other artists work. As you browse, you’ll see that each artist has their own style and subjects.

Just as you respond to the people you meet differently, you’ll respond to the work of each artist in a different way. Some, you’ll feel very positive about, looking closer and finding a connection. There’s something the artist has created that touches your heart, or moves you to take a closer look.  Others may not interest you as much, and that's just fine. 

At the End of the Day, I'm hoping that when you look at my paintings, you'll see beyond my struggling efforts to portray this special landscape, and into the heart of the Everglades themselves.  I hope you'll think about the value of the land--its beauty, its value to our state and our world, it's value to our economy.   If it doesn't move you, my efforts fall short. 


helen said...

Very moody.. the Everglades must be a magical place.

Jo-Ann Sanborn said...

Very magical, Helen. The light does fabulous things often

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