Dancing in the Glades, 2018, Jo-Ann Sanborn
Acrylic on board. 7” x 5”
The wind was blowing in the Glades on the day of this daily painting. I found a place there was no smoke and no evidence of the fires. It didn't take long to get the feeling for the spot. I'll work on a larger version in the studio.
In my Monday morning class we've been talking about limited palettes. I most often use a double primary palette with some "visitor" colors, usually a neutral. Lately I'll just squirt out another color when I want it, sometimes upsetting the harmony of the painting.
Time to return to the basics. I've returned to a palette of red, blue, and yellow many times over the years, but would like to experiment a bit more. I'll try several options in the next couple of weeks. Perhaps I'll try magenta, Indian yellow and Phalo blue. I'm also interested in doing a painting with the Zorn palette.
Color changes will shake up my color strategies and force me to watch my values! What's your favorite limited palette? Let me know below.
Next /Grand Everglades Adventure Coming soon, Links to the first three are below.
Grand Everglades Adventure #4 coming 4/14