Florida painter, Everglades, Marco Island, artist Jo-Ann Sanborn


1000 posts and an abstract daily painting

Out and About, 2018, Jo-Ann Sanborn
Acrylic on board, 7” x 5”

I’ve been writing blogposts since 2007, and today's my 1000th!  Blogging was new when I started back in 2007, and something to be tried.  The word means "web journal" and that's how I used it, writing 100-200 posts most years, about the activities of an artist and things I've learned on my art journey and want to share.  

Blogging started as a way to connect people all over the globe. In art, blogging grew out of the Daily Painting movement's need to get work in front of collectors regularly, and I'm a daily painter.  I've met some wonderful art friends and collectors over the internet even though there are some I will never meet in person.  Blogging has  widened my world. 

I almost gave it up a couple of years ago but it is too much a part of me, my history.  I write a few times a month to keep in touch.  It seems less formal than my monthly newsletter, and it gives me the opportunity to show you the small paintings I still do several times a week.  

So do you follow any bloggers?  Who are your favorites?  Let me know in the comments below.  

Are you coming along on my Grand Everglades Adventures?  There are four videos so far, and you can see them here:

Grand Everglades Adventure #2 - Marsh Trail
Grand Everglades Adventure #3 - process of painting

I'm still learning some of the technical aspects, so be patient with me!

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