5x7, Sold
Today's daily painting is a scene of a flowing wateway in the Everglages near Copeland. The light of the marshy areas always appeals to me. I love the trickle of the gently flowing water, and thinking about how it falls as rain and moves slowly into the gulf, many, many miles away.
The great artist-teacher Robert Henri says "I do not want to see how skillful you are - I am not interested in your skill. What do you get out of nature? Why do you paint this subject? What is life to you? What reasons and what principals have you found? What are your deductions? What projections have you made? What excitement, what pleasure do you get out of it? Your skill is the thing of least interest for me."
Artists work on their skills all the time, reading, studying, taking classes, but it's passion that takes the work to a higher level. Passion requires heat, action, and personal energy. This is true no matter what the work. Most of us have love for our country, but it's the passion for it that would make someone want to be President. An artist may have a love of painting, but only passion can take the work from a level of good skill to sublime. The passion of the artist underlies the best work and no amount of skill can subsitute for it.
Paint passionately today and perhaps your work will touch someones heart.
What a beautiful thought to start our New Year with. Thank you for all your thoughtfulness, Joanne.
Carol Kinkead
Great quote, may change it up a bit.
Betty Newman
Henri is so right! We had a wonderfully attended reception at Blue Mangrove Gallery Wed. to kick-off my month long exhibit. I was mostly thrilled with the number (and quality) of artists that were there! My heartfelt thanks to you, Betty Newman, Carol Kinkead, Carolyn Burger and Marilyn Wirth. You, as always, are a true inspiration.-TARA O'NEILL
Thanks, Carol Don't you love a fresh start!
Betty, I love Robert Henri quotes. There's one for everything and so much to learn.
Tara, We did have a good time, and thanks for your nice words!
What kind words and I am grateful to be included. It is with such wonderful kindness & continual strength of pushing the art
community on the Island that shall prevail.
I appreciate your well written words and the support of the Blue Mangrove Gallery.
Christie Marcoplos
Blue Magrove is a fun place with great stuff. I know how hard you work to make it that way. Good Work, Christie!
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