Florida painter, Everglades, Marco Island, artist Jo-Ann Sanborn


Artist Sue Favinger Smith, daily painting by Everglades artist Jo-Ann Sanborn

Did you choose a SNOWMAN?  The Snowman Extravaganza was a fun event with a nice turnout.  Look for new Snowman Extravaganza this time next year!  Some of you in the frozen north will be able to make your own snowmen soon.  If you do, send me a photo for next year's inspirations! 

Today, something a little different.  I'm excited to recommend artist Sue Favinger Smith's new book, Ancient Wisdom:  Emerging Artist

Sue and I have never met in person, but we met online a few years ago when we were both members of the Daily Painters Google Group.  At the time it was a vibrant, interactive group containing terrific questions and answers for evolving and established artists and contained a wealth of information on making and marketing art for someone seeking.  You can read it, archived online here if you'd like.

Sue asked for artists who had chosen art as a profession later in life to contact her to be interviewed for her Ancient Artist Blog.  While I was a little uncomfortable being labeled "ancient, to her someone over 50, I was not one to pass up potential opportunity, (she has a chapter in the book on Knowing Your Opportunities) I sent her an email volunteering myself.  We spoke for quite a while on the phone, and a delightful interview was the result. 

We've kept in touch by commenting on each others blogs from time to time and cheering each other's successes along the way.  We both hold proud memberships in the National Association of Women Artists.  Recently she contacted me to tell me she was sending me a copy of her new book. 

I was trying to explain Sue Smith to my husband last night.  "She's deep," I said, "an old soul with much wisdom sort of way. Her work is rich and thoughtful, as are her words.  The fact that she likes me is an honor. "

The book came, and I opened it, delighted to have it and pleased for her.  Imagine my surprise to find a comment I had made ON THE BACK COVER of her book!  Talk about honor, it brought tears to my eyes.  I had said "Your Emerging Artist Business Plan is fabulous, Sue.  It's a path for life as well as art, and a gift for anyone willing to accept it.  There's a depth here for everyone regardless of level.  Thank You!" 

I meant it.  If you'd like to add Ancient Wisdom: Emerging Artist to your art library, you can get it for yourself  through my Amazon affiliate link below.  By the way, at what age would YOU be ancient?


Sue Favinger Smith said...

Jo-Ann, I am deeply touched by the gift of this post. I am truly humbled by your words. Thank you, from one old soul to another.
PS: Tell your husband that "ancient" has many meanings which have nothing to do with age. Thinking more along the "old soul" path less traveled...
again, thank you, you are a superb artist with real commitment to your artistic voice, it shows in your work and your words and in the faces of those collectors who fall in love with what you do - including me.

Jo-Ann Sanborn said...

The pleasure and honor are certainly mine, Sue. Best wishes with the book and continued artistic growth. I'll look forward to see what you come up with next!

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