Thanks to the many people who wrote to wish us well, with special thanks to artist Bonnie Luria, Internet friend, creative blog writer and welcomed, attentive commenter. However it's clear that many of my dearest friends and relatives, as well as some fabulous art collectors, have something to say but are clueless about how to leave a comment on a blog. So here goes:
The comment spot is that last spot in the day's posting, under the day's writing, after the paypal button if there is one, and after a list of labels that help the search engines know what the blog is about. It's the last thing on each days page, directly after "posted by Jo-Ann Sanborn"
Once you find the comments spot, click on it and a comment box will come up. You write your comment there. You may have to verify some letters to make sure you aren't spamming, hit "publish" and after a while your comment will appear. I'll get an email telling me you've commented.
You can post it anonymously if you wish, and no one will see the email address. If you don't do it anonymously, someone can click on the highlighted name and an email or blog of the person who wrote the comment will appear. It's called connecting. Some people create an email identity just for this purpose.
If you get the blog in your mailbox each day rather than check on it directly, you will need to get to the actual blog before you can comment. If you comment by replying, your comment will come to me eventually but does not appear on the blog. Here's your procedure:
Near the bottom of the page at the end of the post is a line that states "posted by Jo-Ann Sanborn Daily. It's in blue on my machine and should be "live" on yours. You should be able to click on this and the full blog will come up and you can follow the instructions above.
So, be brave! Someday when you've got a comment, leave it for all the world to see!
Breezing Up
7" x 5"
OK, I'm giving this a try again! Glad everything is drying out and OK down there. jac
Jo-Ann, love the sway in those trees and as you've noted before, it's good to give them haircuts in this season.
That mauve, early evening, pre-weather aura of color is so true to its' feel.
Well, I must thank you for this lovely mention. I do wonder why someone of your level of talent and prolific output doesn't get more comments. People are funny sometimes about making a statement on these pages, but folks, it's easy, harmless, and does HUGE things to keep an artist motivated, appreciated and encouraged.
You've done a fine job in blog tutorials for the comment fearful. It should work now!
Wonderful! Thanks for following my directions! I'll look forward to hearing from you now and then. Jo-Ann
As always, appreciate your always kind words and hope some people will visit your site just for the pure pleasure of your creativity in words and visual art. Maybe they'll comment, too! Jo-Ann
Love your paintings.
Glad you are ok after Fay. She is in my neck of the woods now. So far so good.
Thanks, Linda. Yes, we were lucky and hope you are, too. This lady doesn't give up! Jo-Ann
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